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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/2/28 20:49:06



研究结果揭示了盆地和山脉之间的显著差异。在二连盆地下不到1km和松辽盆地下不到2.5km的深度识别出低速异常(<2.8km s-1)表明存在沉积层。此外,松辽盆地深度超过7km处出现高速异常(约3.4-3.8 km s-1)发,可能反映了早白垩世侵位的基性岩体。研究成像结果中的速度异常分布与主要断裂、隆升和沉积坳陷的位置以及活动源地震结果一致。该应用进一步验证了该方法在限制具松散沉积盖层的盆地中S波速度随深度变化特征方面的有效性。



Title: A two-step multi-frequency receiver function inversion method for shallow crustal S-wave velocity structure and its application across the basin-mountain range belts in Northeast China

Author: Ruihao YANG, Xu WANG, Ling CHEN, Mingye FENG, Qifu CHEN

Issue&Volume: 2024/02/26

Abstract: A shallow crustal velocity structure (above 10km depth) is essential for understanding the crustal structures and deformation and assessing the exploration prospect of natural resources, and also provides priori information for imaging deeper crustal and mantle structure. Passive-source seismic methods are cost-effective and advantageous for regional-scale imaging of shallow crustal structures compared to active-source methods. Among these passive methods, techniques utilizing receiver function waveforms and/or body-wave amplitude ratios have recently gained prominence due to their relatively high spatial resolution. However, in basin regions, reverberations caused by near-surface unconsolidated sedimentary layers often introduce strong non-uniqueness and uncertainty, limiting the applicability of such methods. To address these challenges, we propose a two-step inversion method that uses multi-frequency P-RF waveforms and P-RF horizontal-to-vertical amplitude ratios. Synthetic tests indicate that our two-step inversion method can mitigate the non-uniqueness of the inversion and enhance the stability of the results. Applying this method to teleseismic data from a linear seismic array across the sedimentary basins in Northeast China, we obtain a high-resolution image of the shallow crustal S-wave velocity structure along the array. Our results reveal significant differences between the basins and mountains. The identification of low-velocity anomalies (<2.8kms -1) at depths less than 1.0km beneath the Erlian Basin and less than 2.5km beneath the Songliao Basin suggests the existence of sedimentary layers. Moreover, the high-velocity anomalies (~3.4–3.8km s-1) occurring at depths greater than 7km in the Songliao Basin may reflect mafic intrusions emplaced during the Early Cretaceous. Velocity anomaly distribution in our imaging result is consistent with the location of the major faults, uplifts, and sedimentary depressions, as well as active-source seismic results. This application further validates the effectiveness of our method in constraining the depth-dependent characteristics of the S-wave velocity in basins with unconsolidated sedimentary cover.

DOI: 10.1007/s11430-023-1250-3

Source: https://www.sciengine.com/10.1007/s11430-023-1250-3


Science China Earth Sciences《中国科学:地球科学》,创刊于1952年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:5.7

