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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/12/5 1:07:18

美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所Walker, Catherine C.课题组,研究了南极洲东部康格-格伦泽冰架几十年来的崩塌过程。相关论文于2024年12月3日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《自然—地球科学》杂志上。





Title: Multi-decadal collapse of East Antarctica’s Conger–Glenzer Ice Shelf

Author: Walker, Catherine C., Millstein, Joanna D., Miles, Bertie W. J., Cook, Sue, Fraser, Alexander D., Colliander, Andreas, Misra, Sidharth, Trusel, Luke D., Adusumilli, Susheel, Roberts, Chancelor, Fricker, Helen A.

Issue&Volume: 2024-12-03

Abstract: Antarctica is currently losing net mass to the ocean primarily from West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, which together hold ~5.5m of sea level rise potential. Yet, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet stores almost ten times more ice, and its evolution contributes significant uncertainty to sea level rise projections, mainly due to insufficient process-scale observations. Here we report the collapse of the Conger–Glenzer Ice Shelf in East Antarctica that culminated with its March 2022 disintegration. We use a combination of observations to document its evolution over four stages spanning 25years, starting 1997–2000 when small calving events isolated it from the Shackleton Ice Shelf. In 2011, it retreated from a central pinning point, followed by relative calving quiescence for a decade; the remaining ~1,200km2 of the ice shelf disintegrated over a few days in mid-March 2022. These observations of the Conger–Glenzer Ice Shelf collapse shed light on the processes involved, in particular, the impacts of ocean and atmospheric warming and extreme weather events. Ice shelf collapses, rare in the satellite record so far, have substantial implications for the stability of the Antarctic ice sheet and its contribution to future sea level rise.

DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01582-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-024-01582-3

Nature Geoscience:《自然—地球科学》,创刊于2008年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.531
