上海大学张登松团队报道了通过Cu -联吡啶二维共价有机框架膜,增强传质促进电催化硝酸还原。相关研究成果发表在2024年12月24日出版的《德国应用化学》。
Title: Boosting Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction through Enhanced Mass Transfer in Cu-Bipyridine 2D Covalent Organic Framework Films
Author: Ying Zhu, Haiyan Duan, Christoph G. Gruber, Wenqiang Qu, Hui Zhang, Zhenlin Wang, Jian Zhong, Xinhe Zhang, Lupeng Han, Danhong Cheng, Dana D. Medina, Emiliano Cortes, Dengsong Zhang
Issue&Volume: 2024-12-24
Abstract: Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction (NO3RR) is a promising method for pollutant removal and ammonia synthesis and involves the transfer of eight electrons and nine protons. As such, the rational design of catalytic interfaces with enhanced mass transfer is crucial for achieving high ammonia yield rates and Faradaic efficiency (FE). In this work, we incorporated a Cu-bipyridine catalytic interface and fabricated crystalline 2D covalent organic framework films with significantly exposed catalytic sites, leading to improved FE and ammonia yield (FE = 92.7%, NH3 yield rate = 14.9 mg·h-1cm-2 in 0.5 M nitrate) compared to bulk catalysts and outperforming most reported NO3RR electrocatalysts. The film-like morphology enhances mass transfer across the Cu-bipyridine interface, resulting in superior catalytic performance. We confirmed the reaction pathway and mechanism through in-situ characterizations and theoretical calculations. The Cu sites act as primary centers for adsorption and activation, while the bipyridine sites facilitate water adsorption and dissociation, supplying sufficient H* and accelerating proton-coupled electron transfer kinetics. This study provides a viable strategy to enhance mass transfer at the catalytic interface through rational morphology control, boosting the intrinsic activity of catalysts in the NO3RR process.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202421821
Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:16.823