美国哈佛医学院神经生物系David D. Ginty团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究提出,听觉中脑介导触觉振动感知。相关研究成果2024年12月18日在线发表于《细胞》杂志上。
Title: The auditory midbrain mediates tactile vibration sensing
Author: Erica L. Huey, Josef Turecek, Michelle M. Delisle, Ofer Mazor, Gabriel E. Romero, Malvika Dua, Zoe K. Sarafis, Alexis Hobble, Kevin T. Booth, Lisa V. Goodrich, David P. Corey, David D. Ginty
Issue&Volume: 2024-12-18
Abstract: Vibrations are ubiquitous in nature, shaping behavior across the animal kingdom. For mammals, mechanical vibrations acting on the body are detected by mechanoreceptors of the skin and deep tissues and processed by the somatosensory system, while sound waves traveling through air are captured by the cochlea and encoded in the auditory system. Here, we report that mechanical vibrations detected by the body’s Pacinian corpuscle neurons, which are distinguished by their ability to entrain to high-frequency (40–1,000 Hz) environmental vibrations, are prominently encoded by neurons in the lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus (LCIC) of the midbrain. Remarkably, most LCIC neurons receive convergent Pacinian and auditory input and respond more strongly to coincident tactile-auditory stimulation than to either modality alone. Moreover, the LCIC is required for behavioral responses to high-frequency mechanical vibrations. Thus, environmental vibrations captured by Pacinian corpuscles are encoded in the auditory midbrain to mediate behavior.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.014