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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/12/19 18:28:45

美国华盛顿大学Neil P. King课题组在研究中取得进展。他们完成了伪对称蛋白纳米笼的分层设计。2024年12月18日出版的《自然》杂志发表了这项成果。


研究人员受到在细菌微腔和病毒外壳中观察到的假对称性特征启发,开发出一种分层计算方法,用于设计大型假对称自组装蛋白质纳米材料。研究通过计算设计了假对称异构体成分,并利用它们创建了具有二十面体对称性的离散笼状蛋白质组装体,其分布包含240、540和 960个亚基。



Title: Hierarchical design of pseudosymmetric protein nanocages

Author: Dowling, Quinton M., Park, Young-Jun, Fries, Chelsea N., Gerstenmaier, Neil C., Ols, Sebastian, Yang, Erin C., Wargacki, Adam J., Dosey, Annie, Hsia, Yang, Ravichandran, Rashmi, Walkey, Carl D., Burrell, Anika L., Veesler, David, Baker, David, King, Neil P.

Issue&Volume: 2024-12-18

Abstract: Discrete protein assemblies ranging from hundreds of kilodaltons to hundreds of megadaltons in size are a ubiquitous feature of biological systems and perform highly specialized functions1,2. Despite remarkable recent progress in accurately designing new self-assembling proteins, the size and complexity of these assemblies has been limited by a reliance on strict symmetry3. Here, inspired by the pseudosymmetry observed in bacterial microcompartments and viral capsids, we developed a hierarchical computational method for designing large pseudosymmetric self-assembling protein nanomaterials. We computationally designed pseudosymmetric heterooligomeric components and used them to create discrete, cage-like protein assemblies with icosahedral symmetry containing 240, 540 and 960 subunits. At 49, 71 and 96nm diameter, these nanocages are the largest bounded computationally designed protein assemblies generated to date. More broadly, by moving beyond strict symmetry, our work substantially broadens the variety of self-assembling protein architectures that are accessible through design.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08360-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08360-6


