Title: Anomalous Quantum Dynamics in Lossy Nonlocal System
Author:Liwei Qiao1, Wei Zhang1,2,3*, and Kaiye Shi1,2,4,5*
Issue&Volume: 2024-12-19
Abstract: The non-Hermitian skin effect and edge burst reflect the vital role of spatial boundaries in non-Hermitian systems from both static and dynamic perspectives. In this study, we investigate a non-Hermitian dissipative lattice with nonlocal coupling and demonstrate many interesting static and dynamic phenomena. In the case of global coupling with all sites coupled with each other, we observe anomalous hopping resonance, where a quantum walker initially placed at a single site almost completely escapes from the boundary of the system regardless of its initial position. In the case of non-global coupling, which is infinite-range coupling, the interplay between nonlocal hopping and the non-Hermitian skin effect results in the emergence of local bulk modes exhibiting a multipartite density distribution. The presence of local bulk modes induces the nontrivial dynamics of a quantum walker, which features multiple peaks of lost probability in spatially separated domains. Our findings demonstrate unique properties induced by nonlocal coupling in non-Hermitian systems.
DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/41/12/120301
Source: https://cpl.iphy.ac.cn/10.1088/0256-307X/41/12/120301
Chinese Physics Letters:《中国物理快报》,创刊于1985年。隶属于中国物理学会,最新IF:3.5