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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/12/11 14:57:18

美国国家心理健康研究所Hugo A. Tejeda和美国匹兹堡大学Zachary Freyberg合作取得重要工作进展。他们报道了由不同腹侧纹状体多巴胺受体介导的动机和强化的可分离性调控。相关研究成果2024年12月9日在线发表于《自然—神经科学》杂志上。


研究人员表明,mNAcSh中的DA D3受体(D3R)信号通过调节局部微电路,来驱动小鼠的动机行为。

此外,D3R与DA D1受体共表达,调控强化,但不是动机。研究人员报告了mNAcSh神经元中,D3R和DA D1受体信号传导的非重叠生理作用,这与奖励功能中的可分离作用相似。



Title: Dissociable control of motivation and reinforcement by distinct ventral striatal dopamine receptors

Author: Enriquez-Traba, Juan, Arenivar, Miguel, Yarur-Castillo, Hector E., Noh, Chloe, Flores, Rodolfo J., Weil, Tenley, Roy, Snehashis, Usdin, Ted B., LaGamma, Christina T., Wang, Huikun, Tsai, Valerie S., Kerspern, Damien, Moritz, Amy E., Sibley, David R., Lutas, Andrew, Moratalla, Rosario, Freyberg, Zachary, Tejeda, Hugo A.

Issue&Volume: 2024-12-09

Abstract: Dopamine (DA) release in striatal circuits, including the nucleus accumbens medial shell (mNAcSh), tracks separable features of reward like motivation and reinforcement. However, the cellular and circuit mechanisms by which DA receptors transform DA release into distinct constructs of reward remain unclear. Here we show that DA D3 receptor (D3R) signaling in the mNAcSh drives motivated behavior in mice by regulating local microcircuits. Furthermore, D3Rs coexpress with DA D1 receptors, which regulate reinforcement, but not motivation. Paralleling dissociable roles in reward function, we report nonoverlapping physiological actions of D3R and DA D1 receptor signaling in mNAcSh neurons. Our results establish a fundamental framework wherein DA signaling within the same nucleus accumbens cell type is physiologically compartmentalized via actions on distinct DA receptors. This structural and functional organization provides neurons in a limbic circuit with the unique ability to orchestrate dissociable aspects of reward-related behaviors relevant to the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01819-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-024-01819-9


Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771
