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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/11/8 16:34:38

近日,美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Ritesh Agarwal及其研究小组与印度科学研究所的Pavan Nukala等人合作,对铁性In2Se3中的电驱动长程固态非晶化进行了研究。相关研究成果已于2024年11月6日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。





Title: Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In2Se3

Author: Modi, Gaurav, Parate, Shubham K., Kwon, Choah, Meng, Andrew C., Khandelwal, Utkarsh, Tullibilli, Anudeep, Horwath, James, Davies, Peter K., Stach, Eric A., Li, Ju, Nukala, Pavan, Agarwal, Ritesh

Issue&Volume: 2024-11-06

Abstract: Electrically induced amorphization is uncommon and has so far been realized by pulsed electrical current in only a few material systems, which are mostly based on the melt–quench process. However, if the melting step can be avoided and solid-state amorphization can be realized electrically, it opens up the possibility for low-power device applications. Here we report an energy-efficient, unconventional long-range solid-state amorphization in a new ferroic β″-phase of indium selenide nanowires through the application of a direct-current bias rather than a pulsed electrical stimulus. The complex interplay of the applied electric field perpendicular to the polarization, current flow parallel to the van der Waals layer and piezoelectric stress results in the formation of interlayer sliding defects and coupled disorder induced by in-plane polarization rotation in this layered material. On reaching a critical limit of the electrically induced disorder, the structure becomes frustrated and locally collapses into an amorphous phase, and this phenomenon is replicated over a much larger microscopic-length scale through acoustic jerks. Our work uncovers previously unknown multimodal coupling mechanisms of the ferroic order in materials to the externally applied electric field, current and internally generated stress, and can be useful to design new materials and devices for low-power electronic and photonic applications.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08156-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08156-8


