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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/11/22 13:39:45

近日,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的Madyson G. Barber及其研究团队取得一项新进展。他们观察到一颗巨行星穿过一颗拥有错位盘的300万年原恒星。相关研究成果已于2024年11月20日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。

该研究团队报道了对凌日行星IRAS 04125+2902b的观测结果,该行星绕金牛座分子云中一颗300万年历史、质量约为太阳0.7倍的预主序星运行。宿主星拥有一个近乎正面朝向(倾角30度)的过渡盘以及一个宽距伴星。





Title: A giant planet transiting a 3-Myr protostar with a misaligned disk

Author: Barber, Madyson G., Mann, Andrew W., Vanderburg, Andrew, Krolikowski, Daniel, Kraus, Adam, Ansdell, Megan, Pearce, Logan, Mace, Gregory N., Andrews, Sean M., Boyle, Andrew W., Collins, Karen A., De Furio, Matthew, Dragomir, Diana, Espaillat, Catherine, Feinstein, Adina D., Fields, Matthew, Jaffe, Daniel, Lopez Murillo, Ana Isabel, Murgas, Felipe, Newton, Elisabeth R., Palle, Enric, Sawczynec, Erica, Schwarz, Richard P., Thao, Pa Chia, Tofflemire, Benjamin M., Watkins, Cristilyn N., Jenkins, Jon M., Latham, David W., Ricker, George, Seager, Sara, Vanderspek, Roland, Winn, Joshua N., Charbonneau, David, Essack, Zahra, Rodriguez, David R., Shporer, Avi, Twicken, Joseph D., Villaseor, Jesus Noel

Issue&Volume: 2024-11-20

Abstract: Astronomers have found more than a dozen planets transiting stars that are 10–40millionyears old, but younger transiting planets have remained elusive. The lack of such discoveries may be because planets have not fully formed at this age or because our view is blocked by the protoplanetary disk. However, we now know that many outer disks are warped or broken; provided the inner disk is depleted, transiting planets may thus be visible. Here we report observations of the transiting planet IRAS04125+2902b orbiting a 3-million-year-old, 0.7-solar-mass, pre-main-sequence star in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. The host star harbours a nearly face-on (30degrees inclination) transitional disk and a wide binary companion. The planet has a period of 8.83days, a radius of 10.7Earth radii (0.96Jupiter radii) and a 95%-confidence upper limit on its mass of 90Earth masses (0.3Jupiter masses) from radial-velocity measurements, making it a possible precursor of the super-Earths and sub-Neptunes frequently found around main-sequence stars. The rotational broadening of the star and the orbit of the wide (4arcseconds, 635astronomical units) companion are both consistent with edge-on orientations. Thus, all components of the system are consistent with alignment except the outer disk; the origin of this misalignment is unclear.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08123-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08123-3


