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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/10/31 16:13:47

近日,澳大利亚环境决策能力交流研究所Williams, Brooke A.和Beyer, Hawthorne L等人合作,探明了全球热带森林砍伐地区自然再生的潜力。相关论文发表在2024年10月30日出版的《自然》杂志上。


研究人员评估了目前泛热带天然林的空间分布(2000年至2016年),并以此提出了一个热带森林国家和生物群落的自然再生潜力的模型,空间分辨率为30m。研究估计面积额外i2.15亿公顷的区域具有自然森林再生的潜力(比整个墨西哥的面积还要大),这代表了30年内23.4Gt C(范围,21.1-25.7 Gt)的地上碳封存潜力。



Title: Global potential for natural regeneration in deforested tropical regions

Author: Williams, Brooke A., Beyer, Hawthorne L., Fagan, Matthew E., Chazdon, Robin L., Schmoeller, Marina, Sprenkle-Hyppolite, Starry, Griscom, Bronson W., Watson, James E. M., Tedesco, Anazlia M., Gonzalez-Roglich, Mariano, Daldegan, Gabriel A., Bodin, Blaise, Celentano, Danielle, Wilson, Sarah Jane, Rhodes, Jonathan R., Alexandre, Nikola S., Kim, Do-Hyung, Bastos, Diego, Crouzeilles, Renato

Issue&Volume: 2024-10-30

Abstract: Extensive forest restoration is a key strategy to meet nature-based sustainable development goals and provide multiple social and environmental benefits. Yet achieving forest restoration at scale requires cost-effective methods. Tree planting in degraded landscapes is a popular but costly forest restoration method that often results in less biodiverse forests when compared to natural regeneration techniques under similar conditions. Here we assess the current spatial distribution of pantropical natural forest (from 2000 to 2016) and use this to present a model of the potential for natural regeneration across tropical forested countries and biomes at a spatial resolution of 30 m. We estimate that an area of 215million hectares—an area greater than the entire country of Mexico—has potential for natural forest regeneration, representing an above-ground carbon sequestration potential of 23.4Gt C (range, 21.1–25.7Gt) over 30years. Five countries (Brazil, Indonesia, China, Mexico and Colombia) account for 52% of this estimated potential, showcasing the need for targeting restoration initiatives that leverage natural regeneration potential. Our results facilitate broader equitable decision-making processes that capitalize on the widespread opportunity for natural regeneration to help achieve national and global environmental agendas.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08106-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08106-4


