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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/10/26 22:28:56

近日,加拿大粒子与核物理国家实验室 (TRIUMF)的Carlos Henrique de Lima及其研究团队取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们揭示新状态对寻找负规范-希格斯耦合的影响。相关研究成果已于2024年10月24日在国际知名学术期刊《高能物理杂志》上发表。


研究人员重新分析了ATLAS的矢量玻色子融合(VBF)Wh数据,结果表明,先前被排除的负规范-希格斯耦合场景在带电希格斯质量低于370 GeV的情况下仍然具有实验可行性。

研究人员还表明,通过在参数空间中进行微调,有可能进一步放宽这一界限。研究人员讨论了如何进一步限制错误符号规范-希格斯耦合假设,并指出了VBF Zh以模型无关方式排除该场景的潜力。


Title: Influence of new states in searches for negative gauge-Higgs couplings

Author: de Lima, Carlos Henrique, Stolarski, Daniel

Issue&Volume: 2024-10-24

Abstract: In this work, we explore how constraints based on interference effects for the negative gauge-Higgs coupling scenario are affected by new physics. Models that achieve this wrong-sign gauge-Higgs coupling inevitably have new charged Higgs states. These states affect the interpretation of interference effects. We recast the ATLAS analysis for VBF Wh, showing that the previously excluded negative gauge-Higgs coupling scenario is still experimentally viable for charged Higgs masses below 370 GeV. We show that it is possible to weaken this bound further with mild tuning in the parameter space. We discuss how to further constrain the wrong-sign gauge-Higgs coupling hypothesis and point out the potential of VBF Zh to exclude this scenario in a model-independent way.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2024)180

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/JHEP10(2024)180

Journal of High Energy Physics:《高能物理杂志》,创刊于2010年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:6.379
