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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/1/7 21:13:23

印度坎普尔理工学院Arun K. Shukla等研究人员,合作揭示β-抑制蛋白与七种跨膜受体相互作用的非典型模式的分子见解。2024年1月5日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这一最新研究成果。





Title: Molecular insights into atypical modes of β-arrestin interaction with seven transmembrane receptors

Author: Jagannath Maharana, Fumiya K. Sano, Parishmita Sarma, Manish K. Yadav, Longhan Duan, Tomasz M. Stepniewski, Madhu Chaturvedi, Ashutosh Ranjan, Vinay Singh, Sayantan Saha, Gargi Mahajan, Mohamed Chami, Wataru Shihoya, Jana Selent, Ka Young Chung, Ramanuj Banerjee, Osamu Nureki, Arun K. Shukla

Issue&Volume: 2024-01-05

Abstract: β-arrestins (βarrs) are multifunctional proteins involved in signaling and regulation of seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), and their interaction is driven primarily by agonist-induced receptor activation and phosphorylation. Here, we present seven cryo–electron microscopy structures of βarrs either in the basal state, activated by the muscarinic receptor subtype 2 (M2R) through its third intracellular loop, or activated by the βarr-biased decoy D6 receptor (D6R). Combined with biochemical, cellular, and biophysical experiments, these structural snapshots allow the visualization of atypical engagement of βarrs with 7TMRs and also reveal a structural transition in the carboxyl terminus of βarr2 from a β strand to an α helix upon activation by D6R. Our study provides previously unanticipated molecular insights into the structural and functional diversity encoded in 7TMR-βarr complexes with direct implications for exploring novel therapeutic avenues.

DOI: adj3347

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj3347

