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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/1/27 20:49:49

近日,土耳其泰基尔达-纳米克-凯末尔大学的Alturk Bahadir,在研究土耳其土地整理优先的农业地块形状分析中取得新进展。2024年1月23日出版的《中国地理科学》杂志发表了这一最新研究成果。

本研究旨在通过结合土地形状指数(PSI)和最小边界几何指数(MBG)来提高土地评定分数,从而确定2020年土耳其Tekirdag省单数和农村县城尺度下的农业用地的形状程度。研究人员使用Getis-Ord Gi*进行统计,确定了高度不规则和接近最优地块的热点区域。地块等级分为四类,即高度不规则、不规则、规则和接近最优4类。




Title: Shape Analysis of Agricultural Parcels for Land Consolidation Priorities in Tekirdag Province, Turkey

Author: Alturk, Bahadir

Issue&Volume: 2024-01-23

Abstract: Shape irregularity, a sub-factor of parcel fragmentation is a problem that hinders sustainable agriculture and is solved using land consolidation projects. Determination of the parcel shape degree contributes significantly to spatial prioritization where there is also a high probability of achieving positive effects of consolidation projects. This study aims to determine the shape degree of the agricultural parcels both at singular and rural county scales in Tekirdag Province, Turkey in 2020 by combining the parcel shape index (PSI) with the minimum bounding geometry index (MBG) to improve parcel scores. Hot-spot zones of the highly irregular and near optimum parcels were also determined using Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. The parcel degrees were classified into four categories, namely highly irregular, irregular, regular and near optimum. The obtained unweighted scores of the parameters exhibit deviations from the expected values. After weighting by pairwise comparison, the values approached ideal scores. Among 346 740 parcels, 53% were highly irregular and irregular and 47% were regular and near optimum shapes after weighting whereas these were 70% and 30%, respectively before weighting. The average parcel degree of 63 rural counties was regular while the average parcel degree of the remaining 264 rural counties was irregular. The combined use of PSI and MBG index improved the correctness of the parcel shape score. It could be suggested to use as a tool in land consolidation prioritization.

DOI: 10.1007/s11769-024-1410-4

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11769-024-1410-4


Chinese Geographical Science《中国地理科学》,创刊于1991年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:3.4

