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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/9/8 13:07:37

中国地质大学(北京)刘盛遨教授团队的新研究揭示了大陆地壳形成过程中硫化物分馏和下地壳沉降的 Cu 同位素证据。该项研究成果发表在2023年9月6日出版的《科学进展》上。

研究人员对 Cu 同位素进行研究表明,俯冲带过程和地幔熔融在弧岩浆中产生有限的 Cu 同位素分馏,相反,与 Cu 含量负相关的下地壳岩石的不均一 Cu 同位素组成表明,在弧岩浆的壳内分异过程中,存在同位素轻硫化物的分离或富集。这一发现得到下地壳镁铁质堆积体的极轻 Cu 同位素组成和厚大陆弧中分异岩浆的重 Cu 同位素组成的支持。

幔源岩浆的壳内分异作用和随后富含硫化物的镁铁质堆积体的形成,优先去除了同位素轻的 Cu,留下贫 Cu 和同位素重的大陆地壳。



Title: Copper isotope evidence for sulfide fractionation and lower crustal foundering in making continental crust

Author: Sheng-Ao Liu, Roberta L. Rudnick, Wen-Ran Liu, Fang-Zhen Teng, Tian-Hao Wu, Ze-Zhou Wang

Issue&Volume: 2023-09-06

Abstract: The continental crust is strongly depleted in copper compared with its building blocks—primary arc magmas—and this depletion is intrinsically associated with continental crust formation. However, the process by which Cu removal occurs remains enigmatic. Here we show, using Cu isotopes, that subduction-zone processes and mantle melting produce limited fractionation of Cu isotopes in arc magmas, and, instead, the heterogeneous Cu isotopic compositions of lower crustal rocks, which negatively correlate with Cu contents, suggest segregation or accumulation of isotopically light sulfides during intracrustal differentiation of arc magmas. This is supported by the extremely light Cu isotopic compositions of lower crustal mafic cumulates and heavy Cu isotopic compositions of differentiated magmas in thick continental arcs. Intracrustal differentiation of mantle-derived magmas and subsequent foundering of sulfide-rich mafic cumulates preferentially removes isotopically light Cu, leaving a Cu-depleted and isotopically heavy continental crust.

DOI: adg6995

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.adg6995

Science Advances:《科学进展》,创刊于2015年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:14.957
