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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/6/11 22:43:28

瑞士巴塞尔大学Knut Drescher研究组发现,在人类免疫细胞上形成生物膜是霍乱弧菌的一种多细胞捕食策略。该项研究成果发表在2023年6月8日出版的《细胞》杂志上。




Title: Biofilm formation on human immune cells is a multicellular predation strategy of Vibrio cholerae

Author: Lucia Vidakovic, Sofya Mikhaleva, Hannah Jeckel, Valerya Nisnevich, Kerstin Strenger, Konstantin Neuhaus, Keerthana Raveendran, Noa Bossel Ben-Moshe, Marina Aznaourova, Kazuki Nosho, Antje Drescher, Bernd Schmeck, Leon N. Schulte, Alexandre Persat, Roi Avraham, Knut Drescher

Issue&Volume: 2023/06/08

Abstract: Biofilm formation is generally recognized as a bacterial defense mechanism against environmental threats, including antibiotics, bacteriophages, and leukocytes of the human immune system. Here, we show that for the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae, biofilm formation is not only a protective trait but also an aggressive trait to collectively predate different immune cells. We find that V. cholerae forms biofilms on the eukaryotic cell surface using an extracellular matrix comprising primarily mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin pili, toxin-coregulated pili, and the secreted colonization factor TcpF, which differs from the matrix composition of biofilms on other surfaces. These biofilms encase immune cells and establish a high local concentration of a secreted hemolysin to kill the immune cells before the biofilms disperse in a c-di-GMP-dependent manner. Together, these results uncover how bacteria employ biofilm formation as a multicellular strategy to invert the typical relationship between human immune cells as the hunters and bacteria as the hunted.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.05.008

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00527-5

