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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/19 10:17:21

新加坡国立大学Lin-Fa Wang等研究人员合作发现,蝙蝠ASC2抑制炎性小体并改善炎症性疾病。该项研究成果发表在2023年5月11日出版的《细胞》杂志上。




Title: Bat ASC2 suppresses inflammasomes and ameliorates inflammatory diseases

Author: Matae Ahn, Vivian Chih-Wei Chen, Pritisha Rozario, Wei Lun Ng, Pui San Kong, Wan Rong Sia, Adrian Eng Zheng Kang, Qi Su, Lan Huong Nguyen, Feng Zhu, Wharton O.Y. Chan, Chee Wah Tan, Wan Shoo Cheong, Ying Ying Hey, Randy Foo, Fusheng Guo, Yan Ting Lim, Xin Li, Wan Ni Chia, Radoslaw M. Sobota, Nai Yang Fu, Aaron T. Irving, Lin-Fa Wang

Issue&Volume: 2023/05/11

Abstract: Bats are special in their ability to live long and host many emerging viruses. Ourprevious studies showed that bats have altered inflammasomes, which are central playersin aging and infection. However, the role of inflammasome signaling in combating inflammatorydiseases remains poorly understood. Here, we report bat ASC2 as a potent negativeregulator of inflammasomes. Bat ASC2 is highly expressed at both the mRNA and proteinlevels and is highly potent in inhibiting human and mouse inflammasomes. Transgenicexpression of bat ASC2 in mice reduced the severity of peritonitis induced by goutcrystals and ASC particles. Bat ASC2 also dampened inflammation induced by multipleviruses and reduced mortality of influenza A virus infection. Importantly, it alsosuppressed SARS-CoV-2-immune-complex-induced inflammasome activation. Four key residueswere identified for the gain of function of bat ASC2. Our results demonstrate thatbat ASC2 is an important negative regulator of inflammasomes with therapeutic potentialin inflammatory diseases.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.03.036

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00333-1

