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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/2/3 16:16:20

美国南加州大学Justin K. Ichida研究团队的一项最新研究发现抑制SYF2减弱不同形式肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)模型的神经退行性变。这一研究成果发表在2023年2月2日出版的国际学术期刊《细胞—干细胞》上。





Title: SYF2 suppression mitigates neurodegeneration in models of diverse forms of ALS

Author: Gabriel R. Linares, Yichen Li, Wen-Hsuan Chang, Jasper Rubin-Sigler, Stacee Mendonca, Sarah Hong, Yunsun Eoh, Wenxuan Guo, Yi-Hsuan Huang, Jonathan Chang, Sharon Tu, Nomongo Dorjsuren, Manuel Santana, Shu-Ting Hung, Johnny Yu, Joscany Perez, Michael Chickering, Tze-Yuan Cheng, Chi-Chou Huang, Shih-Jong James Lee, Hao-Jen Deng, Kieu-Tram Bach, Kamden Gray, Vishvak Subramanyam, Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Samuel V. Alworth, Hani Goodarzi, Justin K. Ichida

Issue&Volume: 2023/02/02

Abstract: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease caused bymany diverse genetic etiologies. Although therapeutics that specifically target causalmutations may rescue individual types of ALS, such approaches cannot treat most patientssince they have unknown genetic etiology. Thus, there is a critical need for therapeuticstrategies that rescue multiple forms of ALS. Here, we combine phenotypic chemicalscreening on a diverse cohort of ALS patient-derived neurons with bioinformatic analysisof large chemical and genetic perturbational datasets to identify broadly effectivegenetic targets for ALS. We show that suppressing the gene-encoding, spliceosome-associatedfactor SYF2 alleviates TDP-43 aggregation and mislocalization, improves TDP-43 activity,and rescues C9ORF72 and causes sporadic ALS neuron survival. Moreover, Syf2 suppression ameliorates neurodegeneration, neuromuscular junction loss, and motordysfunction in TDP-43 mice. Thus, suppression of spliceosome-associated factors suchas SYF2 may be a broadly effective therapeutic approach for ALS.

DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2023.01.005

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(23)00005-X


Cell Stem Cell:《细胞—干细胞》,创刊于2007年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:25.269
