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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/2/21 10:01:47

美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Eynav Klechevsky小组发现,树突状细胞的CD5表达指导T细胞免疫并维持免疫治疗反应。这一研究成果发表在2023年2月17日出版的国际学术期刊《科学》上。




Title: CD5 expression by dendritic cells directs T cell immunity and sustains immunotherapy responses

Author: Mingyu He, Kate Roussak, Feiyang Ma, Nicholas Borcherding, Vince Garin, Mike White, Charles Schutt, Trine I. Jensen, Yun Zhao, Courtney A. Iberg, Kairav Shah, Himanshi Bhatia, Daniel Korenfeld, Sabrina Dinkel, Judah Gray, Alina Ulezko Antonova, Stephen Ferris, David Donermeyer, Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn, Matthew M. Gubin, Jingqin Luo, Laurent Gorvel, Matteo Pellegrini, Alessandro Sette, Thomas Tung, Rasmus Bak, Robert L. Modlin, Ryan C. Fields, Robert D. Schreiber, Paul M. Allen, Eynav Klechevsky

Issue&Volume: 2023-02-17

Abstract: The induction of proinflammatory T cells by dendritic cell (DC) subtypes is critical for antitumor responses and effective immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy. Here, we show that human CD1c+CD5+ DCs are reduced in melanoma-affected lymph nodes, with CD5 expression on DCs correlating with patient survival. Activating CD5 on DCs enhanced T cell priming and improved survival after ICB therapy. CD5+ DC numbers increased during ICB therapy, and low interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentrations promoted their de novo differentiation. Mechanistically, CD5 expression by DCs was required to generate optimally protective CD5hi T helper and CD8+ T cells; further, deletion of CD5 from T cells dampened tumor elimination in response to ICB therapy in vivo. Thus, CD5+ DCs are an essential component of optimal ICB therapy.

DOI: abg2752

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg2752

