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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/2/14 9:41:48

法国国家农业食品与环境研究院Yann Guiguen等研究人员合作发现,基因组结构决定硬骨鱼的早期多样化。这一研究成果于2023年2月10日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。




Title: Genome structures resolve the early diversification of teleost fishes

Author: Elise Parey, Alexandra Louis, Jerome Montfort, Olivier Bouchez, Céline Roques, Carole Iampietro, Jerome Lluch, Adrien Castinel, Cécile Donnadieu, Thomas Desvignes, Christabel Floi Bucao, Elodie Jouanno, Ming Wen, Sahar Mejri, Ron Dirks, Hans Jansen, Christiaan Henkel, Wei-Jen Chen, Margot Zahm, Cédric Cabau, Christophe Klopp, Andrew Thompson, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Ingo Braasch, Guillaume Lecointre, Julien Bobe, John H. Postlethwait, Camille Berthelot, Hugues Roest Crollius, Yann Guiguen

Issue&Volume: 2023-02-10

Abstract: Accurate species phylogenies are a prerequisite for all evolutionary research. Teleosts are the largest and most diversified group of extant vertebrates, but relationships among their three oldest extant lineages remain unresolved. On the basis of seven high-quality new genome assemblies in Elopomorpha (tarpons, eels), we revisited the topology of the deepest branches of the teleost phylogeny using independent gene sequence and chromosomal rearrangement phylogenomic approaches. These analyses converged to a single scenario that unambiguously places the Elopomorpha and Osteoglossomorpha (arapaima, elephantnose fish) in a monophyletic sister group to all other teleosts, i.e., the Clupeocephala lineage (zebrafish, medaka). This finding resolves more than 50 years of controversy on the evolutionary relationships of these lineages and highlights the power of combining different levels of genome-wide information to solve complex phylogenies.

DOI: abq4257

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq4257


