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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/2/12 15:04:07

中国科学院国家纳米科学中心胡海、戴庆和西班牙巴塞罗那科学技术学院F. Javier García de Abajo团队取得一项新突破。他们报道了中红外极化激元的栅极可调负折射。相关论文发表在2023年2月10日出版的《科学》杂志上。





Title: Gate-tunable negative refraction of mid-infrared polaritons

Author: Hai Hu, Na Chen, Hanchao Teng, Renwen Yu, Mengfei Xue, Ke Chen, Yuchuan Xiao, Yunpeng Qu, Debo Hu, Jianing Chen, Zhipei Sun, Peining Li, F. Javier García de Abajo, Qing Dai

Issue&Volume: 2023-02-10

Abstract: Negative refraction provides a platform to manipulate mid-infrared and terahertz radiation for molecular sensing and thermal emission applications. However, its implementation based on metamaterials and plasmonic media presents challenges with optical losses, limited spatial confinement, and lack of active tunability in this spectral range. We demonstrate gate-tunable negative refraction at mid-infrared frequencies using hybrid topological polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures. Specifically, we visualize wide-angle negatively refracted polaritons in α-MoO3 films partially decorated with graphene, undergoing reversible planar nanoscale focusing. Our atomically thick heterostructures weaken scattering losses at the interface while enabling an actively tunable transition of normal to negative refraction through electrical gating. We propose polaritonic negative refraction as a promising platform for infrared applications such as electrically tunable super-resolution imaging, nanoscale thermal manipulation, enhanced molecular sensing, and on-chip optical circuitry.

DOI: adf1251

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf1251


