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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/2/11 16:06:48



据了解,土壤有机碳(SOC)矿化的净增加即使很小,也会导致大气二氧化碳浓度的大幅增加。人们普遍认为,与表层土壤相比,深层临界带(2 ~ 12 m深度)的有机碳矿化速度较慢,受人为扰动的影响较小。


Title: Anthropogenic N input increases global warming potential by awakening the “sleeping” ancient C in deep critical zones

Author: Shuping Qin, Haijing Yuan, Chunsheng Hu, Xiaoxin Li, Yuying Wang, Yuming Zhang, Wenxu Dong, Timothy Clough, Jiafa Luo, Shungui Zhou, Nicole Wrage-Mnnig, Lin Ma, Oene Oenema

Issue&Volume: 2023-02-08

Abstract: Even a small net increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization will cause a substantial increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is widely recognized that the SOC mineralization within deep critical zones (2 to 12 m depth) is slower and much less influenced by anthropogenic disturbance when compared to that of surface soil. Here, we showed that 20 years of nitrogen (N) fertilization enriched a deep critical zone with nitrate, almost doubling the SOC mineralization rate. This result was supported by corresponding increases in the expressions of functional genes typical of recalcitrant SOC degradation and enzyme activities. The CO2 released and the SOC had a similar 14C age (6000 to 10,000 years before the present). Our results indicate that N fertilization of crops may enhance CO2 emissions from deep critical zones to the atmosphere through a previously disregarded mechanism. This provides another reason for markedly improving N management in fertilized agricultural soils.

DOI: add0041

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.add0041


Science Advances:《科学进展》,创刊于2015年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:14.957
