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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/9 22:42:19

美国哈佛大学人类进化生物系David Reich和西班牙庞培法布拉大学进化生物学研究所 Carles Lalueza-Fox研究团队,合作揭示巴尔干半岛从罗马边境到斯拉夫移民的遗传历史。该项研究成果发表在2023年12月7日出版的《细胞》上。





Title: A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations

Author: Iigo Olalde, Pablo Carrión, Ilija Miki, Nadin Rohland, Swapan Mallick, Iosif Lazaridis, Matthew Mah, Miomir Kora, Sneana Golubovi, Sofija Petkovi, Nataa Miladinovi-Radmilovi, Dragana Vulovi, Timka Alihodi, Abigail Ash, Miriam Baeta, Juraj Bartík, eljka Bedi, Maja Bili, Clive Bonsall, Maja Buni, Domagoj Buani, Mario Cari, Lea ataj, Mirna Cvetko, Ivan Drni, Anita Dugonji, Ana uki, Ksenija uki, Zdeněk Farka, Pavol Jelínek, Marija Jovanovic, Iva Kai, Hrvoje Kalafati, Marijana Krmpoti, Sinia Krznar, Tino Lelekovi, Marian M. de Pancorbo, Vinka Matijevi, Branka Miloevi Zaki, Anna J. Osterholtz, Julianne M. Paige, Dinko Tresi Pavii, Zrinka Premui, Petra Raji ikanji, Anita Rapan Papea, Lujana Paraman, Mirjana Sanader, Ivana Radovanovi, Mirjana Roksandic, Alena efáková, Sofia Stefanovi, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Domagoj Tonini, Brina Zagorc, Kim Callan, Francesca Candilio, Olivia Cheronet, Daniel Fernandes, Aisling Kearns, Ann Marie Lawson, Kirsten Mandl, Anna Wagner, Fatma Zalzala, Anna Zettl, eljko Tomanovi, Duan Keckarevi, Mario Novak, Kyle Harper

Issue&Volume: 2023/12/07

Abstract: The rise and fall of the Roman Empire was a socio-political process with enormous ramifications for human history. The Middle Danube was a crucial frontier and a crossroads for population and cultural movement. Here, we present genome-wide data from 136 Balkan individuals dated to the 1st millennium CE. Despite extensive militarization and cultural influence, we find little ancestry contribution from peoples of Italic descent. However, we trace a large-scale influx of people of Anatolian ancestry during the Imperial period. Between ~250 and 550 CE, we detect migrants with ancestry from Central/Northern Europe and the Steppe, confirming that “barbarian” migrations were propelled by ethnically diverse confederations. Following the end of Roman control, we detect the large-scale arrival of individuals who were genetically similar to modern Eastern European Slavic-speaking populations, who contributed 30%–60% of the ancestry of Balkan people, representing one of the largest permanent demographic changes anywhere in Europe during the Migration Period.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.10.018

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)01135-2

