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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/22 18:12:28

长江大学Fucheng Deng研究小组近日取得一项新成果。他们进行了基于CFD-DEM的砾石充填堵塞机理研究。2023年12月20日出版的《颗粒学报》发表了这项成果。



研究结果表明:(1)GPSC的阻塞过程可分为初始阶段、堆积阶段和平衡阶段三个阶段;(2)砾石充填堵塞主要有两种类型:第一类堵塞是砾石层表面的堵塞,砾石层表面的砂粒主要以大颗粒堵塞砾石孔隙和砂粒相互桥接的形式存在;第二类堵塞是砾石层内的堵塞,砂粒主要以内部泥饼的形式存在,并吸附在砾石层内部的砾石上;(3)为保证砾石层防砂性能,砾石层厚度设计在23 ~ 28mm之间,应增加现场充填泵的排量或压力,保证砾石层充填固体度在59% ~ 62%之间;在GPSC的设计中,应保证砾石的中位粒径为砂石中位粒径的5 ~ 6倍。



Title: Study of the blocking mechanism in gravel packing based on CFD-DEM

Author: anonymous

Issue&Volume: 2023/12/20

Abstract: Gravel packing sand control (GPSC), as the optimization of mechanical sand control technology, is widely used in the deep water completion and sand control of loose sandstone heavy oil reservoirs and highly argillaceous. To explore the blocking mechanism of GPSC, the influence of its structural parameters on the blocking of GPSC is investigated. This paper establishes a particle element model based on CFD-DEM coupling using the discrete element method and establishes a fluid flow model combined with computational fluid dynamics to realize their full coupling solution. And Sand control experiments were carried out using a micro visual sand control simulation device to verify the blocking model. The blocking mechanism is analyzed from the microscopic point of view, and then the influence of sand control structure parameters on the blocking in GPSC design is evaluated. The results show the following: (1) The blocking process of GPSC can be divided into three stages: an initial stage, sand accumulation stage and equilibrium stage. (2) There are two main types of gravel packing blockage. The first type of blocking is blocking on the surface of the gravel layer. Sand particles on the surface of gravel layer mainly exist in the form of large particle size blocking gravel pores and sand particles bridging each other. The second type of blockage is the blockage inside the gravel layer. Sand particles mainly exist in the form of internal mud cakes and adsorption on gravels inside the gravel layer. (3) To ensure the sand control performance of the gravel layer, the gravel layer thickness is designed between 23 to 28 mm. The displacement or pressure of the on-site packing pump should be increased to ensure that the gravel layer packing solidity ranges between 59% to 62%. In the design of GPSC, it should be ensured that the median particle size of gravel is 5 to 6 times the median particle size of sand. This study provides an effective technical reference for the design of gravel structural parameters in on-site gravel packing completion sand control.

DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.12.005

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S167420012300322X



