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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/22 16:37:32

美国印第安纳大学Zhu Chen的研究团队耦合了溶解和沉淀反应动力学的多同位素示踪,来辅助研究实验设计的地球化学模型。2023年12月21日,国际知名学术期刊《地球化学学报》发表了这一成果。





Title: Geochemical modeling to aid experimental design for multiple isotope tracer studies of coupled dissolution and precipitation reaction kinetics

Author: Chen, Mingkun, Lu, Peng, Song, Yongchen, Zhu, Chen

Issue&Volume: 2023-12-21

Abstract: It is a challenge to make thorough but efficient experimental designs for the coupled mineral dissolution and precipitation studies in a multi-mineral system, because it is difficult to speculate the best experimental duration, optimal sampling schedule, effects of different experimental conditions, and how to maximize the experimental outputs prior to the actual experiments. Geochemical modeling is an efficient and effective tool to assist the experimental design by virtually running all scenarios of interest for the studied system and predicting the experimental outcomes. Here we demonstrated an example of geochemical modeling assisted experimental design of coupled labradorite dissolution and calcite and clayey mineral precipitation using multiple isotope tracers. In this study, labradorite (plagioclase) was chosen as the reactant because it is both a major component and one of the most reactive minerals in basalt. Following our isotope doping studies of single minerals in the last ten years, initial solutions in the simulations were doped with multiple isotopes (e.g., Ca and Si). Geochemical modeling results show that the use of isotope tracers gives us orders of magnitude more sensitivity than the conventional method based on concentrations and allows us to decouple dissolution and precipitation reactions at near-equilibrium condition. The simulations suggest that the precise unidirectional dissolution rates can inform us which rate laws plagioclase dissolution has followed. Calcite precipitation occurred at near-equilibrium and the multiple isotope tracer experiments would provide near-equilibrium precipitation rates, which was a challenge for the conventional concentration-based experiments. In addition, whether the precipitation of clayey phases is the rate-limiting step in some multi-mineral systems will be revealed. Overall, the modeling results of multi-mineral reaction kinetics will improve the understanding of the coupled dissolution–precipitation in the multi-mineral systems and the quality of geochemical modeling prediction of CO2 removal and storage efficacy in the basalt systems.

DOI: 10.1007/s11631-023-00654-2

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11631-023-00654-2


Acta Geochimica《地球化学学报》,创刊于1982年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:1.6

