Title: Highly Anisotropic Magnetism and Nearly Isotropic Magnetocaloric Effect inMn3Sn2 Single Crystals
Issue&Volume: 2023-12-20
Abstract: Mn3Sn2 has been proposed as an ideal material for magnetic refrigeration. It undergoes two successive ferromagnetic transitions (TC1=262K and TC2=227K) and one antiferromagnetic transition (TN=192K). Herein we report, for the first time, the preparation of single crystals of Mn3Sn2 from Bi flux. The resultant anisotropic magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect are investigated along the three principal crystallographic directions of the crystal. Significant anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and multiple field-induced metamagnetic transitions were found at low fields, whereas the magnetocaloric effect was found to be almost isotropic and larger than that of the polycrystalline one. The maximum magnetic entropy change amounts to -ΔSM=4.01J/kg/K near TC1 under a magnetic field change of μ0ΔH=5T along the c-axis, with the corresponding refrigerant capacity of 1750mJ/cm3. Combined with a much wider cooling temperature span (~80K), our results demonstrate Mn3Sn2 single crystal to be an attractive candidate working material for active magnetic refrigeration at low temperatures.
DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/12/127501
Source: https://cpl.iphy.ac.cn/10.1088/0256-307X/40/12/127501
Chinese Physics Letters:《中国物理快报》,创刊于1985年。隶属于中国物理学会,最新IF:3.5