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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/16 22:30:46


在本研究中,研究人员利用自洽NJL模型和Fierz -转换相互作用拉格朗日量,研究了有限化学势下π和σ介子的质谱。该模型引入了一个任意参数α,用于反映Fierz变换后的相互作用通道的权重。研究发现,当α超过一定的阈值时,手性相变从一阶转变为平滑交叉,这一变化在手性凝聚物和介子质量的行为中表现得十分明显。



Title: (Pseudo) Scalar mesons in a self-consistent NJL model

Author: Xiaozhu Yu, Xinyang Wang

Issue&Volume: 2023-12-15

Abstract: In this study, we investigate the mass spectra of π and σ mesons at finite chemical potential using the self-consistent NJL model and the Fierz-transformed interaction Lagrangian. The model introduces an arbitrary parameter α to reflect the weights of the Fierz-transformed interaction channels. We show that, when α exceeds a certain threshold value, the chiral phase transition transforms from a first-order one to a smooth crossover, which is evident from the behaviors of the chiral condensates and meson masses. Additionally, at a high chemical potential, the smaller the value of α, the higher the masses of the π and σ mesons. Moreover, the Mott and dissociation chemical potentials increase with the increase in α. Thus, the meson mass emerges as a valuable experimental observable for determining the value of α and investigating the properties of the chiral phase transition in dense QCD matter.

DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad0111

Source: http://hepnp.ihep.ac.cn/article/doi/10.1088/1674-1137/ad0111


Chinese Physics C《中国物理C》,创刊于1977年。隶属于中国科学院高能物理研究所,最新IF:3.6

