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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/15 9:03:43

中国石油大学Jun Yao研究小组经过不懈努力,对超临界CO2压裂中支撑剂与流体相非均匀温度场进行了数值研究。该项研究成果发表在2023年12月13日出版的《颗粒学报》上。




据了解,超临界CO2 (Sc-CO2)压裂中温度分布的不均匀影响了Sc-CO2的密度、粘度和体积膨胀或收缩速率,影响了支撑剂的运移。


Title: Numerical investigation of non-uniform temperature fields for proppant and fluid phases in supercritical CO2 fracturing

Author: anonymous

Issue&Volume: 2023/12/13

Abstract: The non-uniform temperature distribution in supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2) fracturing influences the density, viscosity, and volume expansion or shrinkage rate of Sc-CO2, impacting proppant migration. This study presents a coupled computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method (CFD-DEM) and heat transfer model to examine the effects of proppant bed shape and the heat transfers of proppant-wall, proppant-fluid, and fluid-wall on the fluid and proppant temperature fields. The Sc-CO2 volume expansion is assessed under various temperature conditions by evaluating the volume-averaged Sc-CO2 density. Several factors, including proppant size, shape, thermal conductivity, concentration, temperature difference, and injection velocity, are carefully analyzed to elucidate their impacts. The findings elucidate the existence of four distinct zones in the fluid temperature field. Each zone exhibits different magnitudes of temperature change under diverse conditions and undergoes dynamic transformations with the development of the proppant bed. The fluid-wall heat transfer and the fluid temperatures in Zones C and D are significantly subject to the fluid injection velocity (governing the heating duration), the temperature difference between fluid and formation (impacting the magnitude of heat flux), and the proppant bed shape (controlling the effective heating area). Additionally, the proppant-wall and proppant-fluid heat transfers determine the temperatures of both the proppant bed and the fluid within Zone B, showing a strong correlation with proppant thermal conductivity, proppant size, injection velocity, and temperature difference. The proposed coupled model provides valuable insights into the temperature distributions and flow behaviors of temperature-dependent fracturing fluids and proppants.

DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.12.002

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S167420012300319X



