Title: Topological Confinement in Reversibly Interlocked Polymer Networks
Author: Wan-Ting Dai, Zhen-Hua Xie, Yu-Bin Ke, Yang You, Min-Zhi Rong, Ming-Qiu Zhang
Issue&Volume: 2023-12-14
Abstract: Recently, we reported a series of reversibly interlocked polymer networks (RILNs), whose mechanical robustness and functionalities improvement was believed to be derived from topological interlocking of two sub-networks, although the direct evidence for the deduction is still lacking. Herein, a specially-designed RILNs system, in which the inter-component hydrogen bonds can be shielded as needed, was prepared and used to study the micro-structures of RILNs, aiming to verify the existence of mechanical interlocking in RILNs. By changing the pH of the swelling solvent, the effect exerted by the inter-component non-covalent bonds was eliminated, so detailed information of the networks structure was exposed. The small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) results indicated that swelling-induced structural evolution of the two sub-networks mutually affected each other, even when the inter-component hydrogen bonds were absent, proving the presence of topological interlocking. The findings may help to draw a more accurate physical image and reveal the detailed structure-property relationship of RILNs.
DOI: 10.1007/s10118-024-3070-3
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science:《中国高分子科学杂志》,创刊于1983年。隶属于中国化学会,最新IF:4.3