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利用疫苗诱导的保护性抗体确定流感N2 NA的保守表位
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/11/17 18:36:47

美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 生物化学系Nicholas C. Wu团队探明,利用疫苗诱导的保护性抗体确定流感N2神经氨酸酶(NA)的保守表位。2023年11月14日出版的《免疫》杂志发表了这项成果。





Title: Leveraging vaccination-induced protective antibodies to define conserved epitopes on influenza N2 neuraminidase

Author: Ruipeng Lei, Wooseob Kim, Huibin Lv, Zongjun Mou, Michael J. Scherm, Aaron J. Schmitz, Jackson S. Turner, Timothy J.C. Tan, Yiquan Wang, Wenhao O. Ouyang, Weiwen Liang, Joel Rivera-Cardona, Chuyun Teo, Claire S. Graham, Christopher B. Brooke, Rachel M. Presti, Chris K.P. Mok, Florian Krammer, Xinghong Dai, Ali H. Ellebedy, Nicholas C. Wu

Issue&Volume: 2023/11/14

Abstract: There is growing appreciation for neuraminidase (NA) as an influenza vaccine target;however, its antigenicity remains poorly characterized. In this study, we isolatedthree broadly reactive N2 antibodies from the plasmablasts of a single vaccinee, includingone that cross-reacts with NAs from seasonal H3N2 strains spanning five decades. Althoughthese three antibodies have diverse germline usages, they recognize similar epitopesthat are distant from the NA active site and instead involve the highly conservedunderside of NA head domain. We also showed that all three antibodies confer prophylacticand therapeutic protection in vivo, due to both Fc effector functions and NA inhibition through steric hindrance. Additionally,the contribution of Fc effector functions to protection in vivo inversely correlates with viral growth inhibition activity in vitro. Overall, our findings advance the understanding of NA antibody response and provideimportant insights into the development of a broadly protective influenza vaccine.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.10.005

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(23)00445-4


