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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/11/17 18:32:42

英国牛津大学Paul Leeson团队研究了高血压妊娠者接受医生优化自我管理后对长期血压控制的影响。该研究于2023年11月11日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上。




220名参与者被随机分配到干预组(n = 112)或对照组(n = 108)。参与者的平均(SD)年龄为32.6(5.0)岁,40%患有妊娠期高血压,60%患有先兆子痫。200名参与者(91%)被纳入初步分析。

干预组在产后249(16)天测得的24小时平均舒张压(SD)(71.2[5.6]毫米汞柱)比对照组(76.6[5.7]mm汞柱)低5.8毫米汞柱。组间差异为−5.80 mm Hg(P < .001)。同样,干预组的24小时平均收缩压(SD)(114.0[7.7]mm Hg)比对照组的(120.3[9.1]mm汞柱)低6.5 mm Hg。组间差异为−6.51 mm Hg(P < .001)。



Title: Long-Term Blood Pressure Control After Hypertensive Pregnancy Following Physician-Optimized Self-Management: The POP-HT Randomized Clinical Trial

Author: Jamie Kitt, Rachael Fox, Annabelle Frost, Milensu Shanyinde, Katherine Tucker, Paul A. Bateman, Katie Suriano, Yvonne Kenworthy, Annabelle McCourt, William Woodward, Winok Lapidaire, Miriam Lacharie, Mauro Santos, Cristian Roman, Lucy Mackillop, Christian Delles, Basky Thilaganathan, Lucy C. Chappell, Adam J. Lewandowski, Richard J. McManus, Paul Leeson

Issue&Volume: 2023-11-11


Importance  Pregnancy hypertension results in adverse cardiac remodeling and higher incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases in later life.

Objective  To evaluate whether an intervention designed to achieve better blood pressure control in the postnatal period is associated with lower blood pressure than usual outpatient care during the first 9 months postpartum.

Design, Setting, and Participants  Randomized, open-label, blinded, end point trial set in a single hospital in the UK. Eligible participants were aged 18 years or older, following pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia or gestational hypertension, requiring antihypertensive medication postnatally when discharged. The first enrollment occurred on February 21, 2020, and the last follow-up, November 2, 2021. The follow-up period was approximately 9 months.

Interventions  Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to self-monitoring along with physician-optimized antihypertensive titration or usual postnatal care.

Main Outcomes and Measures  The primary outcome was 24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure at 9 months postpartum, adjusted for baseline postnatal blood pressure.

Results  Two hundred twenty participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (n=112) or the control group (n=108). The mean (SD) age of participants was 32.6 (5.0) years, 40% had gestational hypertension, and 60% had preeclampsia. Two hundred participants (91%) were included in the primary analysis. The 24-hour mean (SD) diastolic blood pressure, measured at 249 (16) days postpartum, was 5.8 mm Hg lower in the intervention group (71.2 [5.6] mm Hg) than in the control group (76.6 [5.7] mm Hg). The between-group difference was 5.80 mm Hg (95% CI, 7.40 to 4.20; P<.001). Similarly, the 24-hour mean (SD) systolic blood pressure was 6.5 mm Hg lower in the intervention group (114.0 [7.7] mm Hg) than in the control group (120.3 [9.1] mm Hg). The between-group difference was 6.51 mm Hg (95% CI, 8.80 to 4.22; P<.001).

Conclusions and Relevance  In this single-center trial, self-monitoring and physician-guided titration of antihypertensive medications was associated with lower blood pressure during the first 9 months postpartum than usual postnatal outpatient care in the UK.

DOI: 10.1001/jama.2023.21523

Source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2811976


JAMA-Journal of The American Medical Association:《美国医学会杂志》,创刊于1883年。隶属于美国医学协会,最新IF:157.335
