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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/1/30 10:36:03

丹麦哥本哈根大学Alexey Tiranov,Peter Lodahl课题组的一项最新研究,发现了远距离光量子发射体之间的集体超辐射和亚辐射动力学。相关论文发表在2023年1月27日出版的《科学》杂志上。




Title: Collective super- and subradiant dynamics between distant optical quantum emitters

Author: Alexey Tiranov, Vasiliki Angelopoulou, Cornelis Jacobus van Diepen, Bjrn Schrinski, Oliver August Dall’Alba Sandberg, Ying Wang, Leonardo Midolo, Sven Scholz, Andreas Dirk Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Anders Sndberg Srensen, Peter Lodahl

Issue&Volume: 2023-01-27

Abstract: Photon emission is the hallmark of light-matter interaction and the foundation of photonic quantum science, enabling advanced sources for quantum communication and computing. Although single-emitter radiation can be tailored by the photonic environment, the introduction of multiple emitters extends this picture. A fundamental challenge, however, is that the radiative dipole-dipole coupling rapidly decays with spatial separation, typically within a fraction of the optical wavelength. We realize distant dipole-dipole radiative coupling with pairs of solid-state optical quantum emitters embedded in a nanophotonic waveguide. We dynamically probe the collective response and identify both super- and subradiant emission as well as means to control the dynamics by proper excitation techniques. Our work constitutes a foundational step toward multiemitter applications for scalable quantum-information processing.

DOI: ade9324

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade9324


