研究人员在全球范围内量化了当代极端波动估计的不确定性,这些不确定性是通过观测支持的广泛主题的全球波动再分析/后预测的集合来实现的。研究组发现,在邻近海岸线的区域,50年回归期波高(H50s)的当代不确定性(平均)约2.5 m,主要受大气强迫力驱动。
Title: Understanding uncertainties in contemporary and future extreme wave events for broad-scale impact and adaptation planning
Author: Joao Morim, Thomas Wahl, Sean Vitousek, Sara Santamaria-Aguilar, Ian Young, Mark Hemer
Issue&Volume: 2023-01-11
Abstract: Understanding uncertainties in extreme wind-wave events is essential for offshore/coastal risk and adaptation estimates. Despite this, uncertainties in contemporary extreme wave events have not been assessed, and projections are still limited. Here, we quantify, at global scale, the uncertainties in contemporary extreme wave estimates across an ensemble of widely used global wave reanalyses/hindcasts supported by observations. We find that contemporary uncertainties in 50-year return period wave heights (H50s) reach (on average) ~2.5 m in regions adjacent to coastlines and are primarily driven by atmospheric forcing. Furthermore, we show that uncertainties in contemporary H50s estimates dominate projected 21st-century changes in H50s across ~80% of global ocean and coastlines. When translated into broad-scale coastal risk analysis, these uncertainties are comparable to those from storm surges and projected sea level rise. Thus, uncertainties in contemporary extreme wave events need to be combined with those of projections to fully assess potential impacts.
DOI: ade3170