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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/1/9 13:51:32

美国卡内基梅隆大学David R. Rounce的研究团队取得一项新突破。他们提出了对于21世纪全球冰川变化,所有可能的升温事件都很重要的观点。相关论文发表在2023年1月6日出版的《科学》杂志上。

该研究组提出了除冰盖以外,以每个冰川的数据校准为标准,共享社会经济路径的全球冰川预测。在全球温度变化情景下,相对于2015年,到2100年,冰川预计将损失其质量的26±6%(+1.5°C)至41±11%(+4°C)。这相当于海平面的90±26 ~ 154±44毫米,将导致49±9 ~ 83±7%的冰川消失。




Title: Global glacier change in the 21st century: Every increase in temperature matters

Author: David R. Rounce, Regine Hock, Fabien Maussion, Romain Hugonnet, William Kochtitzky, Matthias Huss, Etienne Berthier, Douglas Brinkerhoff, Loris Compagno, Luke Copland, Daniel Farinotti, Brian Menounos, Robert W. McNabb

Issue&Volume: 2023-01-06

Abstract: Glacier mass loss affects sea level rise, water resources, and natural hazards. We present global glacier projections, excluding the ice sheets, for shared socioeconomic pathways calibrated with data for each glacier. Glaciers are projected to lose 26 ± 6% (+1.5°C) to 41 ± 11% (+4°C) of their mass by 2100, relative to 2015, for global temperature change scenarios. This corresponds to 90 ± 26 to 154 ± 44 millimeters sea level equivalent and will cause 49 ± 9 to 83 ± 7% of glaciers to disappear. Mass loss is linearly related to temperature increase and thus reductions in temperature increase reduce mass loss. Based on climate pledges from the Conference of the Parties (COP26), global mean temperature is projected to increase by +2.7°C, which would lead to a sea level contribution of 115 ± 40 millimeters and cause widespread deglaciation in most mid-latitude regions by 2100.

DOI: abo1324

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo1324


