南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院Yan Bi小组发现,细胞外囊泡介导脂肪组织与大脑的交流并促进与胰岛素抵抗相关的认知障碍。这一研究成果发表在2022年9月6日出版的国际学术期刊《细胞-代谢》上。
Title: Extracellular vesicles mediate the communication of adipose tissue with brain and promote cognitive impairment associated with insulin resistance
Author: Jin Wang, Liang Li, Zhou Zhang, Xuhong Zhang, Ye Zhu, Chenyu Zhang, Yan Bi
Issue&Volume: 2022/09/06
Abstract: Type 2 diabetes with obesity-related insulin resistance as the main manifestationis associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment. Adipose tissue playsan important role in this process. Here, we demonstrated that adipose tissue-derivedextracellular vesicles (EVs) and their cargo microRNAs (miRNAs) mediate inter-organcommunication between adipose tissue and the brain, which can be transferred intothe brain in a membrane protein-dependent manner and enriched in neurons, especiallyin the hippocampus. Further investigation suggests that adipose tissue-derived EVsfrom high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice or patients with diabetes induce remarkable synapticloss and cognitive impairment. Depletion of miRNA cargo in these EVs significantlyalleviates their detrimental effects on cognitive function. Collectively, these datasuggest that targeting adipose tissue-derived EVs or their cargo miRNAs may providea promising strategy for pharmaceutical interventions for cognitive impairment indiabetes.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2022.08.004
Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:22.415