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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/9/30 23:50:24

法国巴黎大学Ariel B. Lindner、Haotian Guo等研究人员合作利用相分离的RNA对大肠杆菌进行空间工程设计。相关论文发表在2022年9月29日出版的《细胞》杂志上。




Title: Spatial engineering of E. coli with addressable phase-separated RNAs

Author: Haotian Guo, Joseph C. Ryan, Xiaohu Song, Adeline Mallet, Mengmeng Zhang, Victor Pabst, Antoine L. Decrulle, Paulina Ejsmont, Edwin H. Wintermute, Ariel B. Lindner

Issue&Volume: 2022/09/29

Abstract: Biochemical processes often require spatial regulation and specific microenvironments.The general lack of organelles in bacteria limits the potential of bioengineeringcomplex intracellular reactions. Here, we demonstrate synthetic membraneless organellesin Escherichia coli termed transcriptionally engineered addressable RNA solvent droplets (TEARS). TEARSare assembled from RNA-binding protein recruiting domains fused to poly-CAG repeatsthat spontaneously drive liquid-liquid phase separation from the bulk cytoplasm. TargetingTEARS with fluorescent proteins revealed multilayered structures with compositionand reaction robustness governed by non-equilibrium dynamics. We show that TEARS provideorganelle-like bioprocess isolation for sequestering biochemical pathways, controllingmetabolic branch points, buffering mRNA translation rates, and scaffolding protein-proteininteractions. We anticipate TEARS to be a simple and versatile tool for spatiallycontrolling E. coli biochemistry. Particularly, the modular design of TEARS enables applications withoutexpression fine-tuning, simplifying the design-build-test cycle of bioengineering.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.016

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01174-6

