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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/9/30 23:45:07

德国马克斯普朗克分子遗传学研究所Michael I. Robson、Stefan Mundlos等研究人员合作发现,抑制和三维重组可解决演化重排基因组中的调控冲突。相关论文于2022年9月29日发表在《细胞》杂志上。





Title: Repression and 3D-restructuring resolves regulatory conflicts in evolutionarily rearranged genomes

Author: Alessa R. Ringel, Quentin Szabo, Andrea M. Chiariello, Konrad Chudzik, Robert Schpflin, Patricia Rothe, Alexandra L. Mattei, Tobias Zehnder, Dermot Harnett, Verena Laupert, Simona Bianco, Sara Hetzel, Juliane Glaser, Mai H.Q. Phan, Magdalena Schindler, Daniel M. Ibrahim, Christina Paliou, Andrea Esposito, Cesar A. Prada-Medina, Stefan A. Haas, Peter Giere, Martin Vingron, Lars Wittler, Alexander Meissner, Mario Nicodemi, Giacomo Cavalli, Frédéric Bantignies, Stefan Mundlos, Michael I. Robson

Issue&Volume: 2022/09/29

Abstract: Regulatory landscapes drive complex developmental gene expression, but it remains unclear how their integrity is maintained when incorporating novel genes and functions during evolution. Here, we investigated how a placental mammal-specific gene, Zfp42, emerged in an ancient vertebrate topologically associated domain (TAD) without adopting or disrupting the conserved expression of its gene, Fat1. In ESCs, physical TAD partitioning separates Zfp42 and Fat1 with distinct local enhancers that drive their independent expression. This separation is driven by chromatin activity and not CTCF/cohesin. In contrast, in embryonic limbs, inactive Zfp42 shares Fat1’s intact TAD without responding to active Fat1 enhancers. However, neither Fat1 enhancer-incompatibility nor nuclear envelope-attachment account for Zfp42’s unresponsiveness. Rather, Zfp42’s promoter is rendered inert to enhancers by context-dependent DNA methylation. Thus, diverse mechanisms enabled the integration of independent Zfp42 regulation in the Fat1 locus. Critically, such regulatory complexity appears common in evolution as, genome wide, most TADs contain multiple independently expressed genes.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.006

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01128-X

