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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/8/7 15:12:00

2022年8月4日出版的《科学》杂志发表了捷克科学家的一项最新研究成果。来自马萨里克大学的Karel Riha研究组发现,拟南芥的减数分裂退出是由P小体介导的翻译抑制所驱动的。


研究人员表明,在拟南芥中,这种转变是由翻译的抑制所驱动的,是通过一种涉及加工小体(P小体)的机制实现的。在减数第二次分裂期间,减数分裂特异性蛋白THREE-DIVISION MUTANT 1(TDM1)通过与SUPPRESSOR WITH MORPHENETIC EFFECTS ON GENITALIA 7(SMG7)相互作用被纳入P小体。TDM1吸引eIF4F,即主要的翻译起始复合物,暂时将其封存在P小体中并抑制翻译。TDM1突变体终止减数分裂的失败可以通过化学抑制翻译来克服。研究人员提出,含有TDM1的P小体下调减数分裂转录本的表达,从而促进细胞命运向减数分裂后配子体分化的过渡。


Title: Meiotic exit in Arabidopsis is driven by P-body–mediated inhibition of translation

Author: Albert Cairo, Anna Vargova, Neha Shukla, Claudio Capitao, Pavlina Mikulkova, Sona Valuchova, Jana Pecinkova, Petra Bulankova, Karel Riha

Issue&Volume: 2022-08-05

Abstract: Meiosis, at the transition between diploid and haploid life cycle phases, is accompanied by reprograming of cell division machinery and followed by a transition back to mitosis. We show that, in Arabidopsis, this transition is driven by inhibition of translation, achieved by a mechanism that involves processing bodies (P-bodies). During the second meiotic division, the meiosis-specific protein THREE-DIVISION MUTANT 1 (TDM1) is incorporated into P-bodies through interaction with SUPPRESSOR WITH MORPHOGENETIC EFFECTS ON GENITALIA 7 (SMG7). TDM1 attracts eIF4F, the main translation initiation complex, temporarily sequestering it in P-bodies and inhibiting translation. The failure of tdm1 mutants to terminate meiosis can be overcome by chemical inhibition of translation. We propose that TDM1-containing P-bodies down-regulate expression of meiotic transcripts to facilitate transition of cell fates to postmeiotic gametophyte differentiation.

DOI: abo0904

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo0904


