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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/8/20 10:52:03

美国伊利诺大学香槟分校Stephen P. Long研究小组发现,大豆光合作用和作物产量通过加速光保护的恢复得到提升。相关论文于2022年8月18日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。




Title: Soybean photosynthesis and crop yield are improved by accelerating recovery from photoprotection

Author: Amanda P. De Souza, Steven J. Burgess, Lynn Doran, Jeffrey Hansen, Lusya Manukyan, Nina Maryn, Dhananjay Gotarkar, Lauriebeth Leonelli, Krishna K. Niyogi, Stephen P. Long

Issue&Volume: 2022-08-19

Abstract: Crop leaves in full sunlight dissipate damaging excess absorbed light energy as heat. This protective dissipation continues after the leaf transitions to shade, reducing crop photosynthesis. A bioengineered acceleration of this adjustment increased photosynthetic efficiency and biomass in tobacco in the field. But could that also translate to increased yield in a food crop Here we bioengineered the same change into soybean. In replicated field trials, photosynthetic efficiency in fluctuating light was higher and seed yield in five independent transformation events increased by up to 33%. Despite increased seed quantity, seed protein and oil content were unaltered. This validates increasing photosynthetic efficiency as a much needed strategy toward sustainably increasing crop yield in support of future global food security.

DOI: adc9831

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adc9831


