英国伦敦帝国理工学院William Wisden、Nicholas P. Franks、Xiao Yu和中国第四军医大学Hailong Dong研究组合作取得一项新突破。他们研究发现中脑中的特定回路可检测压力并诱导恢复性睡眠。该研究于2022年7月1日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》杂志。
据悉,在小鼠中,SDS会诱导睡眠,SDS是一种心理社会压力的行为学模型。 这样的睡眠可以增强复原力,但尚不清楚压力如何促进睡眠。
Title: A specific circuit in the midbrain detects stress and induces restorative sleep
Author: Xiao Yu, Guangchao Zhao, Dan Wang, Sa Wang, Rui Li, Ao Li, Huan Wang, Mathieu Nollet, You Young Chun, Tianyuan Zhao, Raquel Yustos, Huiming Li, Jianshuai Zhao, Jiannan Li, Min Cai, Alexei L. Vyssotski, Yulong Li, Hailong Dong, Nicholas P. Franks, William Wisden
Issue&Volume: 2022-07-01
Abstract: In mice, social defeat stress (SDS), an ethological model for psychosocial stress, induces sleep. Such sleep could enable resilience, but how stress promotes sleep is unclear. Activity-dependent tagging revealed a subset of ventral tegmental area γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–somatostatin (VTAVgat-Sst) cells that sense stress and drive non–rapid eye movement (NREM) and REM sleep through the lateral hypothalamus and also inhibit corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) release in the paraventricular hypothalamus. Transient stress enhances the activity of VTAVgat-Sst cells for several hours, allowing them to exert their sleep effects persistently. Lesioning of VTAVgat-Sst cells abolished SDS-induced sleep; without it, anxiety and corticosterone concentrations remained increased after stress. Thus, a specific circuit allows animals to restore mental and body functions by sleeping, potentially providing a refined route for treating anxiety disorders.
DOI: abn0853