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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/7/3 18:31:18

美国密歇根大学Patricia J. Wittkopp研究组揭示反式调控突变对适合度和基因表达的多效性影响。相关论文发表在2022年7月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。

他们比较了酿酒酵母中顺式和反式调控突变对基因表达和适应性的影响,重点是 TDH3 基因。他们使用顺式调控突变的影响来推断可归因于焦点基因以外效应的反式调控突变的影响,揭示了多效性效应的分布。顺式和反式调控突变对基因表达有不同的影响,反式调控突变体的多效性影响平行于焦点基因和下游基因的表达。他们观察到的反式调控突变的更广泛和更有害的影响与它们在进化时间中对表达差异的相对贡献减少是一致的。



Title: Pleiotropic effects of trans-regulatory mutations on fitness and gene expression

Author: Pétra Vande Zande, Mark S. Hill, Patricia J. Wittkopp

Issue&Volume: 2022-07-01

Abstract: Variation in gene expression arises from cis- and trans-regulatory mutations, which contribute differentially to expression divergence. We compare the impacts on gene expression and fitness resulting from cis- and trans-regulatory mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with a focus on the TDH3 gene. We use the effects of cis-regulatory mutations to infer effects of trans-regulatory mutations attributable to impacts beyond the focal gene, revealing a distribution of pleiotropic effects. Cis- and trans-regulatory mutations had different effects on gene expression with pleiotropic effects of trans-regulatory mutants affecting expression of genes both in parallel to and downstream of the focal gene. The more widespread and deleterious effects of trans-regulatory mutations we observed are consistent with their decreasing relative contribution to expression differences over evolutionary time.

DOI: abj7185

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abj7185


