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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/7/3 18:30:31

美国西北大学John A. Rogers团队研发出用于外周神经可逆传导阻滞的柔软、生物可吸收冷却器。相关论文发表在2022年7月1日出版的《科学》杂志上。

他们介绍了柔软的、可生物吸收的微流体装置,这些装置能够在活体组织的任意深度通过实时温度反馈控制提供集中的、微创的冷却能力。水溶性、生物相容性材料的结构可导致溶解和生物再吸收,从而消除不必要的设备负荷和对患者造成的风险,而无需进行额外的手术。 多周的体内试验证明了能够快速、精确地冷却周围神经,从而在大鼠模型中为神经性疼痛提供局部、按需镇痛。



Title: Soft, bioresorbable coolers for reversible conduction block of peripheral nerves

Author: Jonathan T. Reeder, Zhaoqian Xie, Quansan Yang, Min-Ho Seo, Ying Yan, Yujun Deng, Katherine R. Jinkins, Siddharth R. Krishnan, Claire Liu, Shannon McKay, Emily Patnaude, Alexandra Johnson, Zichen Zhao, Moon Joo Kim, Yameng Xu, Ivy Huang, Raudel Avila, Christopher Felicelli, Emily Ray, Xu Guo, Wilson Z. Ray, Yonggang Huang, Matthew R. MacEwan, John A. Rogers

Issue&Volume: 2022-07-01

Abstract: Implantable devices capable of targeted and reversible blocking of peripheral nerve activity may provide alternatives to opioids for treating pain. Local cooling represents an attractive means for on-demand elimination of pain signals, but traditional technologies are limited by rigid, bulky form factors; imprecise cooling; and requirements for extraction surgeries. Here, we introduce soft, bioresorbable, microfluidic devices that enable delivery of focused, minimally invasive cooling power at arbitrary depths in living tissues with real-time temperature feedback control. Construction with water-soluble, biocompatible materials leads to dissolution and bioresorption as a mechanism to eliminate unnecessary device load and risk to the patient without additional surgeries. Multiweek in vivo trials demonstrate the ability to rapidly and precisely cool peripheral nerves to provide local, on-demand analgesia in rat models for neuropathic pain.

DOI: abl8532

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abl8532


