作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2022/7/10 14:38:36

美国哥伦比亚大学Benjamin Izar小组解析未经治疗型人类黑色素瘤脑转移的生态系统。这一研究成果发表在2022年7月7日出版的国际学术期刊《细胞》上。





Title: Dissecting the treatment-naive ecosystem of human melanoma brain metastasis

Author: Jana Biermann, Johannes C. Melms, Amit Dipak Amin, Yiping Wang, Lindsay A. Caprio, Alcida Karz, Somnath Tagore, Irving Barrera, Miguel A. Ibarra-Arellano, Massimo Andreatta, Benjamin T. Fullerton, Kristjan H. Gretarsson, Varun Sahu, Vaibhav S. Mangipudy, Trang T.T. Nguyen, Ajay Nair, Meri Rogava, Patricia Ho, Peter D. Koch, Matei Banu, Nelson Humala, Aayushi Mahajan, Zachary H. Walsh, Shivem B. Shah, Daniel H. Vaccaro, Blake Caldwell, Michael Mu, Florian Wünnemann, Margot Chazotte, Simon Berhe, Adrienne M. Luoma, Joseph Driver, Matthew Ingham, Shaheer A. Khan, Suthee Rapisuwon, Craig L. Slingluff, Thomas Eigentler, Martin Rcken, Richard Carvajal, Michael B. Atkins, Michael A. Davies, Albert Agustinus, Samuel F. Bakhoum, Elham Azizi, Markus Siegelin, Chao Lu, Santiago J. Carmona, Hanina Hibshoosh, Antoni Ribas, Peter Canoll, Jeffrey N. Bruce, Wenya Linda Bi, Praveen Agrawal, Denis Schapiro, Eva Hernando, Evan Z. Macosko, Fei Chen

Issue&Volume: 2022/07/07

Abstract: Melanoma brain metastasis (MBM) frequently occurs in patients with advanced melanoma;yet, our understanding of the underlying salient biology is rudimentary. Here, weperformed single-cell/nucleus RNA-seq in 22 treatment-naive MBMs and 10 extracranialmelanoma metastases (ECMs) and matched spatial single-cell transcriptomics and T cellreceptor (TCR)-seq. Cancer cells from MBM were more chromosomally unstable, adopteda neuronal-like cell state, and enriched for spatially variably expressed metabolicpathways. Key observations were validated in independent patient cohorts, patient-derivedMBM/ECM xenograft models, RNA/ATAC-seq, proteomics, and multiplexed imaging. Integratedspatial analyses revealed distinct geography of putative cancer immune evasion andevidence for more abundant intra-tumoral B to plasma cell differentiation in lymphoidaggregates in MBM. MBM harbored larger fractions of monocyte-derived macrophages anddysfunctional TOX+CD8+ T cells with distinct expression of immune checkpoints. This work provides comprehensiveinsights into MBM biology and serves as a foundational resource for further discoveryand therapeutic exploration.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.06.007


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