加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学A. Brennan团队揭示了世界保护区的功能连通性。2022年6月3日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这一研究成果。
他们绘制了世界陆地保护区 (PA)的功能连通性,并通过哺乳动物的移动镜头量化了国家 PA 的连通性。他们发现,减轻人类足迹可能比添加新的 PA 更能改善连通性,尽管这两种策略一起最大限度地提高了收益。全球最重要的哺乳动物集中活动区域仍未受到保护,其中 71% 与全球生物多样性优先区域重叠,6% 发生在人类中度至高度改造的土地上。关键连通区域的保护和恢复可以保护 PA 连通性,同时支持其他全球保护优先事项。
据了解,全球政策要求连接PA以保护动物和基因在不断变化的景观中的流动,但全球 PA 网络目前是否支持动物运动——以及连接保护在哪里最为关键——仍然很大程度上未知。
Title: Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas
Author: A. Brennan, R. Naidoo, L. Greenstreet, Z. Mehrabi, N. Ramankutty, C. Kremen
Issue&Volume: 2022-06-03
Abstract: Global policies call for connecting protected areas (PAs) to conserve the flow of animals and genes across changing landscapes, yet whether global PA networks currently support animal movement—and where connectivity conservation is most critical—remain largely unknown. In this study, we map the functional connectivity of the world’s terrestrial PAs and quantify national PA connectivity through the lens of moving mammals. We find that mitigating the human footprint may improve connectivity more than adding new PAs, although both strategies together maximize benefits. The most globally important areas of concentrated mammal movement remain unprotected, with 71% of these overlapping with global biodiversity priority areas and 6% occurring on land with moderate to high human modification. Conservation and restoration of critical connectivity areas could safeguard PA connectivity while supporting other global conservation priorities.
DOI: abl8974
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abl8974