西班牙Koa Health公司Aleksandar Matic、庞培法布拉大学Roger Garriga等研究人员开发出从电子健康记录中预测心理健康危机的机器学习模型。这一研究成果于2022年5月16日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然—医学》上。
Title: Machine learning model to predict mental health crises from electronic health records
Author: Garriga, Roger, Mas, Javier, Abraha, Semhar, Nolan, Jon, Harrison, Oliver, Tadros, George, Matic, Aleksandar
Issue&Volume: 2022-05-16
Abstract: The timely identification of patients who are at risk of a mental health crisis can lead to improved outcomes and to the mitigation of burdens and costs. However, the high prevalence of mental health problems means that the manual review of complex patient records to make proactive care decisions is not feasible in practice. Therefore, we developed a machine learning model that uses electronic health records to continuously monitor patients for risk of a mental health crisis over a period of 28days. The model achieves an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.797 and an area under the precision-recall curve of 0.159, predicting crises with a sensitivity of 58% at a specificity of 85%. A follow-up 6-month prospective study evaluated our algorithm’s use in clinical practice and observed predictions to be clinically valuable in terms of either managing caseloads or mitigating the risk of crisis in 64% of cases. To our knowledge, this study is the first to continuously predict the risk of a wide range of mental health crises and to explore the added value of such predictions in clinical practice.
DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-01811-5
Nature Medicine:《自然—医学》,创刊于1995年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:30.641