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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/3/6 17:26:29

耶路撒冷希伯来大学Idan Efroni团队近期取得一项新突破。他们发现了一个保守的超基因座,能够调控地上和地下根的启动。这项成果2022年3月4日在线发表于《科学》杂志上。

研究人员在单细胞分辨率下绘制了番茄芽生根发育图,发现这些根通过独特的过渡状态从韧皮部相关细胞开始发育。 这种状态需要一种转录因子的激活,研究人员将其命名为SBRL(SHOOTBORNE ROOTLESS)。进化分析表明,SBRL的功能和顺式调控在被子植物中是保守的,它是作为一个古老的复制出现的,其同系物控制着伤口诱导的和侧根的启动。研究人员提出,一个共同的过渡状态被特定环境的调节因子激活是植物根系的可塑性的基础。



Title: A conserved superlocus regulates above- and belowground root initiation

Author: Moutasem Omary, Naama Gil-Yarom, Chen Yahav, Evyatar Steiner, Anat Hendelman, Idan Efroni

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-04

Abstract: Plants continuously form new organs in different developmental contexts in response to environmental cues. Underground lateral roots initiate from prepatterned cells in the main root, but cells can also bypass the root-shoot trajectory separation and generate shoot-borne roots through an unknown mechanism. We mapped tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) shoot-borne root development at single-cell resolution and showed that these roots initiate from phloem-associated cells through a unique transition state. This state requires the activity of a transcription factor that we named SHOOTBORNE ROOTLESS (SBRL). Evolutionary analysis reveals that SBRL’s function and cis regulation are conserved in angiosperms and that it arose as an ancient duplication, with paralogs controlling wound-induced and lateral root initiation. We propose that the activation of a common transition state by context-specific regulators underlies the plasticity of plant root systems.

DOI: abf4368

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abf4368


