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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/3/13 16:58:13

美国艾伦脑科学研究所Tim Jarsky课题组揭示小鼠和人类新皮层的局部连接和突触动态变化。该项研究成果发表在2022年3月11日出版的《科学》杂志上。




Title: Local connectivity and synaptic dynamics in mouse and human neocortex

Author: Luke Campagnola, Stephanie C. Seeman, Thomas Chartrand, Lisa Kim, Alex Hoggarth, Clare Gamlin, Shinya Ito, Jessica Trinh, Pasha Davoudian, Cristina Radaelli, Mean-Hwan Kim, Travis Hage, Thomas Braun, Lauren Alfiler, Julia Andrade, Phillip Bohn, Rachel Dalley, Alex Henry, Sara Kebede, Mukora Alice, David Sandman, Grace Williams, Rachael Larsen, Corinne Teeter, Tanya L. Daigle, Kyla Berry, Nadia Dotson, Rachel Enstrom, Melissa Gorham, Madie Hupp, Samuel Dingman Lee, Kiet Ngo, Philip R. Nicovich, Lydia Potekhina, Shea Ransford, Amanda Gary, Jeff Goldy, Delissa McMillen, Trangthanh Pham, Michael Tieu, La’Akea Siverts, Miranda Walker, Colin Farrell, Martin Schroedter, Cliff Slaughterbeck, Charles Cobb, Richard Ellenbogen, Ryder P. Gwinn, C. Dirk Keene, Andrew L. Ko, Jeffrey G. Ojemann, Daniel L. Silbergeld, Daniel Carey, Tamara Casper, Kirsten Crichton, Michael Clark, Nick Dee, Lauren Ellingwood, Jessica Gloe, Matthew Kroll, Josef Sulc, Herman Tung, Katherine Wadhwani, Krissy Brouner, Tom Egdorf, Michelle Maxwell, Medea McGraw, Christina Alice Pom, Augustin Ruiz, Jasmine Bomben, David Feng, Nika Hejazinia, Shu Shi, Aaron Szafer, Wayne Wakeman, John Phillips, Amy Bernard, Luke Esposito, Florence D. D’Orazi, Susan Sunkin, Kimberly Smith, Bosiljka Tasic, Anton Arkhipov, Staci Sorensen, Ed Lein, Christof Koch, Gabe Murphy, Hongkui Zeng, Tim Jarsky

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-11

Abstract: We present a unique, extensive, and open synaptic physiology analysis platform and dataset. Through its application, we reveal principles that relate cell type to synaptic properties and intralaminar circuit organization in the mouse and human cortex. The dynamics of excitatory synapses align with the postsynaptic cell subclass, whereas inhibitory synapse dynamics partly align with presynaptic cell subclass but with considerable overlap. Synaptic properties are heterogeneous in most subclass-to-subclass connections. The two main axes of heterogeneity are strength and variability. Cell subclasses divide along the variability axis, whereas the strength axis accounts for substantial heterogeneity within the subclass. In the human cortex, excitatory-to-excitatory synaptic dynamics are distinct from those in the mouse cortex and vary with depth across layers 2 and 3.

DOI: abj5861

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abj5861


