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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/3/13 16:43:32

日本国立信息和交流技术研究所Ken’ya Furuta课题组通过设计蛋白质马达在DNA纳米管上移动实现可编程分子运输。这一研究成果发表在2022年3月10日出版的国际学术期刊《科学》上。




Title: Programmable molecular transport achieved by engineering protein motors to move on DNA nanotubes

Author: Ryota Ibusuki, Tatsuya Morishita, Akane Furuta, Shintaro Nakayama, Maki Yoshio, Hiroaki Kojima, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Ken’ya Furuta

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-11

Abstract: Intracellular transport is the basis of microscale logistics within cells and is powered by biomolecular motors. Mimicking transport for in vitro applications has been widely studied; however, the inflexibility in track design and control has hindered practical applications. Here, we developed protein-based motors that move on DNA nanotubes by combining a biomolecular motor dynein and DNA binding proteins. The new motors and DNA-based nanoarchitectures enabled us to arrange the binding sites on the track, locally control the direction of movement, and achieve multiplexed cargo transport by different motors. The integration of these technologies realized microscale cargo sorters and integrators that automatically transport molecules as programmed in DNA sequences on a branched DNA nanotube. Our system should provide a versatile, controllable platform for future applications.

DOI: abj5170

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abj5170#con8


