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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/2/20 14:59:24

意大利米兰欧洲肿瘤学研究所Giuseppe Testa,瑞典毒理学科学研究中心Joëlle Rüegg,法国索邦大学Barbara Demeneix和瑞典卡尔斯塔德大学Carl-Gustaf Bornehag多个团队共同合作取得重要工作进展,他们发现了内分泌干扰混合物对儿童语言发育的不利影响。这一研究成果发表在2022年2月18日出版的国际学术期刊《科学》上。

在这里,研究人员开发了一种以混合为中心的风险评估策略,该策略整合了流行病学和实验证据。他们发现,在妊娠早期接触EDC混合物与后代语言发育迟缓有关。在与人类相关的浓度下,这种混合物破坏了人脑类器官和模式生物(如非洲爪蟾和斑马鱼)的激素与疾病相关的网络调节,以及行为反应。重新审视流行病学数据,研究人员发现多达54% 的儿童的产前暴露水平高于实验得出的关注水平,与暴露在最低十分位数的环境中的儿童相比,最高十分位的儿童语言延迟风险高出3.3倍。

据介绍,综合证据表明,即使在符合法规的浓度下,暴露于内分泌干扰化学品 (endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDC) 与人类的主要疾病相关。这可能是因为人类暴露于EDC混合物中,而化学法规是基于对单个化合物的风险评估。


Title: From cohorts to molecules: Adverse impacts of endocrine disrupting mixtures

Author: Nicolò Caporale, Michelle Leemans, Lina Birgersson, Pierre-Luc Germain, Cristina Cheroni, Gábor Borbély, Elin Engdahl, Christian Lindh, Raul Bardini Bressan, Francesca Cavallo, Nadav Even Chorev, Giuseppe Alessandro D’Agostino, Steven M. Pollard, Marco Tullio Rigoli, Erika Tenderini, Alejandro Lopez Tobon, Sebastiano Trattaro, Flavia Troglio, Matteo Zanella, ke Bergman, Pauliina Damdimopoulou, Maria Jnsson, Wieland Kiess, Efthymia Kitraki, Hannu Kiviranta, Eewa Nnberg, Mattias berg, Panu Rantakokko, Christina Rudén, Olle Sder, Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Barbara Demeneix, Jean-Baptiste Fini, Chris Gennings, Jolle Rüegg, Joachim Sturve, Giuseppe Testa

Issue&Volume: 2022-02-18

Abstract: Convergent evidence associates exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with major human diseases, even at regulation-compliant concentrations. This might be because humans are exposed to EDC mixtures, whereas chemical regulation is based on a risk assessment of individual compounds. Here, we developed a mixture-centered risk assessment strategy that integrates epidemiological and experimental evidence. We identified that exposure to an EDC mixture in early pregnancy is associated with language delay in offspring. At human-relevant concentrations, this mixture disrupted hormone-regulated and disease-relevant regulatory networks in human brain organoids and in the model organisms Xenopus leavis and Danio rerio, as well as behavioral responses. Reinterrogating epidemiological data, we found that up to 54% of the children had prenatal exposures above experimentally derived levels of concern, reaching, for the upper decile compared with the lowest decile of exposure, a 3.3 times higher risk of language delay.

DOI: abe8244

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe8244


