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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/12/10 22:11:01


研究团队以山地针叶林(铁杉、罗汉松、冷杉和云杉)的花粉记录作为新的古高程测量方法,中新世中期[约 1500万年前(Ma)],在青藏高原北部分别在1332±189 m和433±189 m处建立两个平行的中档的古高程序列。两个中档序列在东部的晚中新世(约1100万年前)迅速上升至3685±87 m,在约700万年前的西部迅速上升至3589±62 m。研究人员估计的1500-700万年期间NTP东部和西部的上升,以及其他青藏高原的隆升区域的数据显示,在晚中新世,整个高原可能已经达到接近今天的高海拔,从而对大气降水和高山生物多样性产生了影响。



Title: A new biologic paleoaltimetry indicating Late Miocene rapid uplift of northern Tibet Plateau

Author: Yunfa Miao, Xiaomin Fang, Jimin Sun, Wenjiao Xiao, Yongheng Yang, Xuelian Wang, Alex Farnsworth, Kangyou Huang, Yulong Ren, Fuli Wu, Qingqing Qiao, Weilin Zhang, Qingquan Meng, Xiaoli Yan, Zhuo Zheng, Chunhui Song, Torsten Utescher

Issue&Volume: 2022-12-09

Abstract: The uplift of the Tibet Plateau (TP) during the Miocene is crucial to understanding the evolution of Asian monsoon regimes and alpine biodiversity. However, the northern Tibet Plateau (NTP) remains poorly investigated. We use pollen records of montane conifers (Tsuga, Podocarpus, Abies, and Picea) as a new paleoaltimetry to construct two parallel midrange paleoelevation sequences in the NTP at 1332 ± 189 m and 433 ± 189 m, respectively, during the Middle Miocene [~15 million years ago (Ma)]. Both midranges increased rapidly to 3685 ± 87 m in the Late Miocene (~11 Ma) in the east, and to 3589 ± 62 m at ~7 Ma in the west. Our estimated rises in the east and west parts of the NTP during 15 to 7 Ma, together with data from other TP regions, indicate that during the Late Miocene the entire plateau may have reached a high elevation close to that of today, with consequent impacts on atmospheric precipitation and alpine biodiversity.

DOI: abo2475

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo2475


