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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/24 21:05:46

美国杜克大学Craig B. Lowe课题组发现,适应性序列分化在人类中形成新的神经发育增强子。2022年11月23日出版的《细胞》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: Adaptive sequence divergence forged new neurodevelopmental enhancers in humans

Author: Riley J. Mangan, Fernando C. Alsina, Federica Mosti, Jesús Emiliano Sotelo-Fonseca, Daniel A. Snellings, Eric H. Au, Juliana Carvalho, Laya Sathyan, Graham D. Johnson, Timothy E. Reddy, Debra L. Silver, Craig B. Lowe

Issue&Volume: 2022/11/23

Abstract: Searches for the genetic underpinnings of uniquely human traits have focused on human-specific divergence in conserved genomic regions, which reflects adaptive modifications of existing functional elements. However, the study of conserved regions excludes functional elements that descended from previously neutral regions. Here, we demonstrate that the fastest-evolved regions of the human genome, which we term “human ancestor quickly evolved regions” (HAQERs), rapidly diverged in an episodic burst of directional positive selection prior to the human-Neanderthal split, before transitioning to constraint within hominins. HAQERs are enriched for bivalent chromatin states, particularly in gastrointestinal and neurodevelopmental tissues, and genetic variants linked to neurodevelopmental disease. We developed a multiplex, single-cell in vivo enhancer assay to discover that rapid sequence divergence in HAQERs generated hominin-unique enhancers in the developing cerebral cortex. We propose that a lack of pleiotropic constraints and elevated mutation rates poised HAQERs for rapid adaptation and subsequent susceptibility to disease.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.10.016

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01358-7

